Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I Made A Saddle?!

Yes! I did!

My cousin, Mitchell Lowe, made my first 'proper' saddle last year. I commissioned him a few years ago because at the time I was working on a series which needed a western saddle. I had given up on the series before he had even started working on it, but since I still liked to take photographs of my models in realistic scenes, I never cancelled the commission.

I had gotten so many compliments on that saddle, and people asking me if I made it (and subsequently if I take commissions), that I decided that when I get the money, I'm going to make one of my own.

So I did, and I am happier than I thought I'd be after making this!

This is my first ever proper saddle and I can count a million blemishes, but honestly, I'm very pleased with myself! I closely referenced one of my real saddles from the stirrup 'irons' to the cantle, and looked at Mitch's saddle to know what to avoid doing.

The bridle is similar to the one I made for Derby day just with a western bit and split reins. One day (soon - just gotta get more lace) I want to make a replica of the bridles I used growing up.

This set isn't for sale, but if you're interested, I may open up commissions, and will definitely be making sales pieces! (I'll also be experimenting with English so hold tight! I've pretty much got it down, I just gotta get the proper supplies for it since I was using recycled jacket leather [suede, grain side up] before heheh)

Definitely feel free to contact me if you're interested in a commission; model horse tack, or even if you want a model painted!

I've had some requests to make some tutorials on tackmaking, so I'll get started on those ASAP as well.

Also, no, the model isn't rubbed. I did a quick once-over to get rid of dirt and dust but missed the most obvious specks! Sorry!

Over and Out!