Anyway, I finished the chapter with 5,219 words which brought my total words up to 10,219! Only 39,781 more words to go!
I found a writing masterpost on my tumblr which is full of awesome and completely helpful stuff, and some lovely people on the NaNoWriMo forums helped me realize what my stress has caused me to forget to add.
So, I continued with the event I had set up for, and I'm actually quite happy with what I did with it. This chapter was rather eventful, and I might edit out something later, but right now I need to get my word count up to 50k before the end of the month so that's all I'm worrying about.
Onto other news, I have started a painting of Colin, the main character in this story. This painting is mainly a break/cooldown project for me, since I can't sit down for really long periods of time and work on a book until the chapter's finished (more lies, because I just did, but it's not often!) If I'm not working on something when I need to be, I feel really guilty. So while this isn't words, it does pertain to the book and therefore puts my mind at ease. I want to apologize in advance, though, because this is National Novel Writing Month, and I have a deadline to meet. Since I'm working on it basically all day every day, I don't have much time for anything else, and I want to post something here every day. With that, you'll be seeing updates on the progress of the book until the month's end, where I'll be able to slow down and work on other things!
The start point of this painting and the end point are two different things, which means it's going to be a long, arduous task under the circumstances, so I'm only going to post the progress photos for now. If anyone has any questions, please ask and I will definitely make a topic of it!
So, here's the process!
That's where I ended today. Tomorrow I'll continue working on the skin until everything is right, and Friday I might work on getting it posed and adding hair.
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