I didn't get much outside of giftcards. I did, however, get a children's-style book about zombies that I wouldn't give to most children. It was rather humorous, though, and I love it! It's called "Zombies Have Issues" and it basically tells all the things that stand in a zombies way - like chopsticks, terriers, and jet-skiing.
I also got a thing to make a plush voodoo-esque zombie and a shirt about minecraft that says "The world is mine" and it has a diamond pick in front of "mine." I absolutely love Minecraft, so this was awesome to get!
Also! I got a pair of awesome pleather combat-style boots! The boots are awesome because they're casual enough to walk around in, comfortable enough to do anything in, break in CRAZY fast (I wore them all day and they're already broken in - hopefully they hold up for a while) and they're the right style that would look good with plaid and leather jackets, or dressed to outfits with corsets and gears. Did I mention they're awesome?
The thing I cherish most out of all of them, though, is "Baby 4.0"
It's an airbrush!
I asked mum a while ago for an airbrush because I've been encouraged by JenPenJen to give it a go since it's similar to digital painting. I figured "why not?" since I want to convert to mixed mediums to make my models anyway. (Acrylic base coat and pastel shading to get a cleaner, richer look.) Especially since I tend to screw up a pastel job 5 layers in every time
SO! I have two airbrushes - one a siphon feed, the other a gravity feed, as well as an air compressor with a pressure valve which is amazing since my last one didn't have that. I did have an airbrush before this, but all it was good for was maybe giving fleabites to a coat, since the previous compressor was only like 12psi fixed, so it didn't have enough pressure to actually spray.
They're Master Airbrushes and compressor, and with the gravity-feed I got a little pamphlet of colour splotches and a colour mixing wheel to show me what colours to mix
I'm really excited about this, though. It would be nice to be able to paint on canvases with some form of resemblance to my digital paintings. You look at my digital paintings compared to my brushed acrylic paintings and it's like I'm two different people.
You can see why I don't paint traditionally much.
I expect it to look something like this at first - maybe a bit worse:
So today Deana and I went shopping using the money and giftcards we got for Christmas. We started at Goodwill since I wanted to see if I could find any breyers or plastic horses I could practice on. I didn't, but I found a lot of naked barbies and this thing....
I just--
So after that, we stopped at walmart so I could use up my giftcard there. I got more paints for my airbrush, and then headed back to the electronics and got a spare xbox controller since Watson broke his and has to use mine (and I wanted a spare anyway.) While I was back there, I grabbed the AV cable and only found TWO of the three splitters I need. BLAGH. So I might have to order the third online. Regardless, I bought what was there, and then headed out. We went to the mall then, where we used our hot topic cards and I GEEKED OUT.
I'm definitely not in the closet about my love for Supernatural. I'm one of the people who walks around literally sporting my love for it.
With that being said, it should come as no surprise that I spent $53 on supernatural stuff. Sherlock helped, too.
I got a Supernatural headset that has an anti-possession symbol on the muffs with "saving people, Hunting things" around it, and across the band it says "The Family Business."
I also got a Castiel watch with wings in the center that says "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition" around the inside. It doesn't have numbers so I only have a general idea of what time it is, but hey - at least it's pretty! Deana also got the "Bitch/Jerk" friendship necklaces and gave me the "Bitch" one since I'm her Sam. And then I got a devil's trap pin!
I also got a "221b Baker Street" rubber bracelet, and 221b pin to add to my collection on my bookbag. (On the other strap is my Breyerfest 2012 pin)
So then! we headed over to Bass Pro, and headed straight for the aquarium. I sat down next to it and this one fish swam straight up to me and chilled by me the whole time
So we went upstairs and I couldn't find the survival knife I was looking for. I did, however, find something else I've been wanting!
I call it "Zell" - it's an airsoft gun!
I saw it and was like "I'm not even going to resist, you're coming home with me"
It even has a little clip for the pellets!
It's adorable - I love it! I'm going to see if we have the pellets, since JC has several pellet guns. They'll be in the garage if they are. If we don't, Ill just have to save up for them!
Did you get or give anything awesome for Christmas?
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