Okay so you know how much I love painting portrait horses, right? I did one of Dakota:
I have one WIP of Irish:
and I plan to redo them in Traditional scale once I get my hands on another Cleveland Bay model and find one that fits Dakota - and my next horse will get one, too.
WELL I've decided that I HAVE to make portraits of every horse in RDR - regular and Undead alike - ESPECIALLY THE GAY UNICORN
AAAAAAANNNNDD NOT ONLY THAT But EVERY horse the main characters in Hostage ride, as well as any horse my OCs own (Thunder, Shadowmere <no relation to another horse of the same name> etc)
Well, it'll be good practice for one. And two - I'm obsessed with creation. I love to see my concepts made into a reality. Finally, it's a challenge. Obviously I didn't create the horses in RDR. In that sense, it'll just be colour practice, and just as challenging.
If you've played the game, you may have noticed that each horse colour is a specific breed. The palomino is the Kentucky Saddler - otherwise known as the American Saddlebred. The black horse is the Standardbred, and the white horse is the Hungarian Half-Bred.
Apart from these, they have other breeds (sorry they're so small; they're stills from the RDR Wiki, but you can go to that page and click on the images to embiggen!)
American Standardbred
Cleveland Bay
"Dark Horse" (It doesn't specify a breed)
Dutch Warmblood
Kentucky Saddler
"Painted" Standardbred
Pinto ("Standardbred Pinto") (My favourite of the paints.)
Tobiano Pinto
Turkomen (Turkmen)
Part of the challenge is finding a model that matches the breed, or closely resembles the breed depicted. For instance, I might choose the Lonesome Glory mold for the Tersk, or the Adios mold for the Quarter horse. Peter Stones aren't out of the question, it's just about finding bodies cheap enough.
For my own characters - Thunder, Heaven, Crow, etc, I might even make resins specific to them if I can't find any models fitting enough
El SeƱor
El Hedor
And then there are the four horses of the apocalypse:
and then all of the undead horses (MORE ZOMBIES)
And if I can get my hands on some of the breyer wildlife, I'll make the undead animals (bear, bull, etc) but for now I'm just gonna focus on equines.
Now this isn't to say it hasn't been done before.
Here are some LOVELY customs I've seen of
Death (I'm seriously drooling)
Death by xXKincadesVanityXx on deviantART
and the Dark Horse by Vulpes-Corsac on deviantART
and I know there have been others, but they're not showing up in my searches! (If you've done one or know of any others, let me know so I can add them!)
Anyway, I plan to do all of my customs in traditional scale, though I might test on stablemates first! I plan to do ALL of the horses EVER which will help me try out different horse colours and sort of test myself and put myself out there as far as my comfort zone goes, since if I had my own way I'd probably paint bays for the rest of my career :P (Technically I can, but what's the fun in that?!)
This is just going to be one of those "Work at my own pace" projects. Basically, I'll work on it when I feel like it, but if commissions arise or another custom nags me to be made, then I'll work on them. Since there are so many different horses in the games (And a second Red Dead Redemption rumoured to release in 2015!) I'll quickly get burnt out if I freight train it like I do with most of my projects to ensure they get done.
The models might be for sale eventually, but I'm not entirely sure if it's legal considering it's fan art. Are you allowed to sell fan art? I think so, but I'm not sure. Either way, I kinda wanna keep them all and then do a mass-shoot with all of them together once they're completed. We'll see, though. It'll depend on how many new horses I get to counter my boredom, since I tend to get bored of staring at my art very quickly.
Heck, the reason I don't take many model horse pictures anymore is because I haven't had a new horse in a year and I'm getting bored of taking pictures of the same horses over and over again
So yup! I don't plan to do any of the horses until after this zombie and resin are finished, but I'm definitely going to start looking for bodies.
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