Friday, December 5, 2014

I'm Not Dead! + What's Up in the Studio

I realize I haven't posted much. NaNoWriMo was my main focus during November and toward the end I had fallen behind in my wordcount. I literally stayed up for two days straight just writing to get my wordcount up - but I made it!

Before Wrimo passed, I celebrated my birthday, got my first tattoo, and enjoyed the day with my sister!
 I also got a new camera, and have taken multiple photos over the span of my absence! 

[Clickety-Click images to Embiggety-Biggen]

This is my English Mastweiler, Maverick!

(She's covered in horsehair. Shhhhh)

And just because, here's more Maverick!

ALRIGHT! On to new business!

A little while ago, I started an original sculpture. He's a Przewalski horse, and a feisty one at that! Once finished, I plan to send him off to be casted and will sell resin copies, so keep a lookout for those! 
Here's the pose:

And here's what I've got so far!

He's headless right now, because I've sculpted a skull to use as the armature for the head (it will be mounted on the wire protruding from the neck) and plan to get it cast, not only to use on future customs, but also to sell! They will be available on my etsy once I get it all set up! (There will be an announcement once it's opened!) 

Some alterations will need to be made for it to fit correctly into the sculpt, but it works!
The jaw also dislocates, so it is a two-piece item. The jaw fits snugly, though. Literally nothing was holding any of this together. I just set the skull onto the wire and took the pictures! I also plan to make breed-specific skulls in Traditional and Classic scales!

This is the big thing right now, but I'm also working on an entry for a contest on deviantART and will post those when I'm done as well (and I'll continue that painting of Colin!)

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